"Mommy, I want a pretty dress". I am Camilla and I love to dress up and go to the Country Store. Mommy always takes me to Perry's Country Store when she needs things. Sometimes she gets dried beans for soup and sometimes she gets her sewing stuff. While it changes from time to time, there is one thing she always looks at. In the Millinery Shop, there is a 'store-bought dress' that she has her eye on. I love the store because Gladys June, the owner lets me stand behind the counter and help her bag up the things other people buy. Someday I want to work there. They have candy to eat, pretty shoes, hats, gloves, and just about everything you would want. I never have been at the store that I have not seen something different. I love the smell of bread that is on the shelf and all the fruits and vegetables are always fresh. While I am only 4 years old, my grandmother thinks I am very smart. Sometimes at home I will get things from the kitchen and play store. My favorite story about the store is about the people who shop there. I usually sit near the pickle barrel and watch people as they come in. I wonder what they are going to buy. One day I was helping to clean the shelves when Mrs. Fetty came in. My mother told me that she had lived here for a long time. Gladys June said that she was 90 years old. I have never met anyone that old. She always carried a small basket with bright yellow flowers. Mrs. Fetty would hand one out to each person she passed. They were paper flowers but they looked real to me.