Looking at the picture I am reminded of the wonderful folks at the creamery. It is so nice to have a place like that in the community that cares for all the folks and supplies us with all the fresh milk that we need. Because of all the Dairy farmer near by, I don’t worry about Bob losing his job. While the factory in town shut down, most families have had to leave to look for jobs. I have so much to do each day, I don’t even think about it. I get up at 5:00am to get breakfast on the table before Bob leaves for work. The next chore is to get the children up, dressed, and feed before sending them off to school. I then begin the task of washing and ironing clothes. Right now I have 3 families I do laundry for. it doesn’t bring in much but i love doing it. most women have gone out of the house for jobs but with two little ones still not in school, I have to remain home. since we got electric, my chores have become much easier. Sometimes I don’t know how we made it before the lines reached our town. I have so much to be thankful for and know that my life has been blessed. while we take it one day at a time, we do count our blessings. Don’t get me wrong, we have had our share of hurts and disappointments. most of the time it is a illness with one of the children or maybe the lose of a family member. looking at the picture of Bob’s horse and wagon reminds me of one of the darkest days.