It seems as if my laundry never gets finished. With seven children, a husband, and his parents living with us, my daily chore seems endless. My name is Ophelia and this is my story. Washing, hanging, ironing, and finally folding them away, takes up most of my mornings. some would say that i am lucky but I am just not sure most days. Times have been hard but together as a family, we have been able to have a nice house and my husband has a steady job at the creamery. He drives a horse and wagon delivering fresh milk, cheese, and cream to the town. Guyan Creamery has been very good to our town and while most men have had to leave the area for jobs, we have been able to remain here. I guess you could say, we are blessed. Don’t get me wrong, laundry is a job that must be done, but after busting up my knuckles, wringing my fingers in the hot water, and hurting my hands using the lie soap, it seems as if my work will never end.