Every once in a while you find that job that not only gives you a good days pay, but also makes you feel good about what you do. Working at the Firestone Tire Plant fits that to a tee. My name is Walter Johnson and I have been working at the plant for about 5 years now. We make the tires that make the wheels turn for Mr. Ford's amazing invention. Every time I see a Model T motoring down the road, I feel proud of what I do. My story is not about making tires but about earning a good living and supporting my family. My Father and Mother came to America for a new beginning. My Father worked as a baker and after that he worked in the coal mines. It was never easy for us kids growing up. Money was short and many times we did without. As I grew older, I began to understand just how much my parents sacrifice so their children could have a life. I promised myself that once I was old enough to get a job, I could help support the family. My first job paid very little and after paying Mr. Jordan 20 cents a week so he could drive me to work, I had very little left over for family but it was a start. I didn't know it at the time, but there would never be enough to go around. When the new tire plant opened in Overton, I knew it was my chance to be in a position to really help out. After 1 year, not only was I helping to support my Parents but now I was married and had a baby on the way. Working for Firestone allows me the ability to feel very much in control of monies as well as job security. Times are tough and so many folks are out of work. I guess that as long as Mr. Ford keeps making automobiles, they will need tires.