I will admit that I am not sure what to expect but one thing I do know is that with God's help we will make it. In the next three weeks we will be deciding just what to take for the trip. I have been thinking about what we need and what we must leave behind. My wife, Fancy has her ideas and I expect that it will be hard to leave some things behind. I do know that we will take her cookware and I will need to take the plow and tools needed to build our house once we get there. Since I had to sell my rifle to pay for the wagon, I will need to make sure we travel with others for protection. We will have to walk all the way because I only have "old Bo" our oxen that we bought after Fancy sold her sewing kit and pretty neckless. It was hard for her but she knew that we all have to give up things. I hope it will be worth it. Little Corn and Sawyer have been talking about our journey. It won't be easy for them but they are young and strong. Once we get to our new home, I can give the family the life they has always dreamed about. Land to grow food, space for animals to graze and finally a place that we can call our own. As I look about all we have been blessed with, I know as a family we will survive.