I guess you could say that I enjoy my job. Once in awhile I would love to take a day off but with bills mounting up and 4 hungry children, I feel good adding to the support. My husband John works so hard on our tobacco farm so a little bit here and there really helps. Life has not always been easy and I do feel blessed to be able to help anyway I can. Just last month, John hurt his hand and was unable to work. We had to hire William, a local farmer to help with the chores. This had to be done because it was time to cut and hang the tobacco. My hands became so raw from all the lye soap and hot water but without that, we would have lost a whole year’s crop. One day I do hope to be able to stop taking in the laundry but until that time, I will continue to heat up the water and scrub the clothes. In a few years, my little Mary will be able to help me. I am not sure if I want her to follow in my example but like my mother and her mother before her always said, “laundry won’t clean its self”.
Well its time to start taking the laundry off the line before it gets late. this time it was four baskets full of dirty laundry and that means a lot of back breaking work. Since my day usually begins at 4:00am, I have to manage all the usual chores first, like fixing breakfast, getting the children up and ready, before beginning my washing tasks. Gathering all the buckets, wash boards, and soap, before taking some time for myself. Most days do not end until putting the children to sleep. in between times I cook and clean. this makes for long days but I don't mind.
Well its time to start taking the laundry off the line before it gets late. this time it was four baskets full of dirty laundry and that means a lot of back breaking work. Since my day usually begins at 4:00am, I have to manage all the usual chores first, like fixing breakfast, getting the children up and ready, before beginning my washing tasks. Gathering all the buckets, wash boards, and soap, before taking some time for myself. Most days do not end until putting the children to sleep. in between times I cook and clean. this makes for long days but I don't mind.